Jan Hamers is deputy chairman of the department of Health Services Research and head of the multidisciplinary research programme ‘Ageing and Long-Term Care’ at the research School CAPHRI.

He is founder and chair of the Living Lab Care of Older People (www.academischewerkplaatsouderenzorg.nl), which is a successful formal collaboration between Maastricht University, Zuyd Hogeschool, MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg, Vivre, Sevagram, Cicero Zorggroep, Orbis Medisch en Zorgconcern, Mosae Zorggroep and Vivantes.

Furthermore, he is the director of the Provincial Council of Public Health (PRV Limburg), vice-chair of the Supervisory Board of MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg, deputy of the Central Committee on research involving human subjects (CCMO), and chair of the Scientific Commitee of V&VN. He is member of the Gerontological Society of America and fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS).

Jan Hamers and his group conduct research focusing on the effectiveness of health care (e.g., physical restraint reduction and prevention, pain assessment in dementia, improving functional status and reducing disability) and on the organisation of the care process (e.g., quality of care, best practices in dementia care, innovations in health care, nursing leadership).

Jan Hamers has been very successful in acquiring research grants (about €7.000.000, including EU-FP7), and in managing and completing major projects. He and his group have written many papers in scientific journals, professional journals, books etcetera. He is frequently invited as key note speaker at international meetings and scientific conferences, (guest) editor and reviewer for scientific journals and reviewer of major international research funding agencies and universities.