evelyn_finnemaEvelyn Finnema, PhD
Professor Living, Wellbeing and Care for Older Persons
NHL University of Applied Sciences
Leeuwarden, Netherlands

gaby_jacobsProf. Gaby Jacobs, PhD
Professor and Head Knowledge Centre on Person Centred and Evidence Based Practice in Health and Welfare, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Eindhoven, Netherlands.

petrie_roodbolProf. Petrie Roodbol, PhD
Professor of Nursing Science
University Medical Centre and Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, Netherlands


olaf_timmermansProf. Olaf Timmermans, PhD
Lector Health and Wellbeing in the Delta
HZ University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
University Antwerp, Centre for Research and Innovation in Care, Belgium

bianca_buurmanBianca Buurman RN, PhD
Professor, Department of Geriatrics
Amsterdam Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands

roelof_ettemaRoelof Ettema, PhD
Researcher Chronically Ill and Methodology, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands